Saturday, June 19, 2010

My Life Condensed in Paragraph Form

Nutshell: 30 seconds, go. I was accepted to B.Y.U. Provo after only applying to BYU Provo and BYUI. Naturally I chose the less frozen of the two, and so here I am in Provo, UT. I attended orientation both yesterday and today, enrolled in the honors program and signed up to take many classes. The hunt for a college is over, and so now the predator becomes the prey. The next two years of my life will be spent evading romance and relationships in any form and studying my butt off in the secret hiding places of campus.


Big items coming up: AP scores. Can we say major potential sobfest? I think the worst feeling ever is that building anticipation as one slowly opens the envelope and pulls out the scores... We shall see about the actual success as it gets closer.

First day of church: Tomorrow, should be interesting. This is the epitome of the water hole, animal style. It is here that the lions will check out the wildebeests and prey on the insecure and lonely ones. Good thing I am not insecure and know how to shut down unwanted suitors. ;)

First day of class: Monday, spanish and pearl of great price. It is here that I will discover exactly how lenient my teachers will be..

First day of work: Monday at before the sun wakes up A.M. Not looking forward to waking up so soon after midnight, but at least the job is menial, which should allow the other parts of my brain to work out complicated problems. It pays well.

College seems like a lot of firsts... first roommates, first time on my own, first time in a completely different school and state. First time with a real job. I only regret that I have no personal savings to fall back on.